Thursday, December 25, 2008
Jiayu Posted this at 10:10 PM

After i realised i stuffed so many things in my bag, i decided to make a "what's in my bag", But not on flickr, but here. LOL. So I'll go from the top. That flower pouch is my... Health pouch. with first aids inside... and lip balm, etc. (and nail clipper) Then my wallet and purse (nanako turtle) LOL. My sketch book and my... planner... Then the green thing is my watch, then the red thing is gift wrapper... :x and the toysrus one too. No, my aunty used that wrapper to wrap the pens. Then my MISS CHATTERBOX KEYCHAIN. XD thenn thats my New Moon book by stephenie meyer, it's the second book in the twilight saga... then the tin of cookies. And on the extreme left is my pack of tissues. Oh yeah below the new moon book is my pack of coloured pens! from my aunty. of course. Haha! xD

Tin of cookies ontop of that merci chocolate. lol.

Two party goodies that my MATERNAL aunty gave me. (the one which bought clothes from bugis for me) lol. xD

Car tag... I think my aunty got it. somewhere... lol. Haha! Oh yeah, my maternal side. lol.

Christmas tree infrount of.. Amk hub? or something. Yeah AMK hub. lol.
Okay! Goodbye! End of photooooooooooooooooooooooooooostream. lol....