Sunday, March 29, 2009
Jiayu Posted this at 4:19 PM
Took a few quiz on facebook. Mm, the chocolate quiz is totally me. Yeah.

You are emotionally impulsive and just love being in love. In fact you can get quite depressed if they feel unwanted. You're also known as"'Lazy' because you don't like to make decisions. You're just happy to go with the flow. You're fantastically beautiful. People will do anything for you. You're affectionate and sympathetic and intensely interested in people. You love entertaining and lots of good food, which means you're forever dieting. You're also the world's biggest spender.

And oh god. This quiz totally suck -> The guy of my love's name starts with K. -.- Oh nevermind, just treat it as junk. LOL.

And I am hillary Duff. can you believe it. LMAO.

My twilight guy is EDWARD. Although i prefer Jasper, Edward is fine with me, Mmm.


My word is "Fuck" LOL. You don't like people bossing you about, you would much rather you do everything on your own accord! People don't realise this and make you do smething and you fall out with them.

above average IQ (115-129)
Your really smart. Your IQ is above average. This is great. You try hard I see. This will help you through your life. Good job.

Hehe, im in GRYFFINDOR. ;D

Ok that's about the end. I'm bored. Ok byeeee. tata.

Saturday, March 28, 2009
Jiayu Posted this at 6:19 PM
Stole a quiz from Shamilah. =.=

10 'Are You's
1. Are you single -Yes.
2. Are you happy - Sort of.
3. Are you bored - Very.
4. Are you fair - Obviously.
5. Are you Italian - Singaporean here?
6. Are you intelligent - I would consider it as not really.
7. Are you honest -Why not.
8. Are you nice - If you think so.
9. Are you Irish - Wish i could.
10. Are you Asian - Singapore is in Asia.

10 Facts.
1. Name Surname - Ng Jiayu. like Duh?
2. Nick - Shorty, whatever.
3. Birth Place : Singapore?
4. Hair Colour : Dark Brown - Black.
5. Natural Hair Style : Long, top straight but wavy at the end.
6. Eye Colour : Dark Hazel Brown - Black.
7. Birthday : 21;10;96.
Mood : Bored.
9. Favourite Colour(s) : Black, White, Blue, Green, Violet And Indigo.
10. One place you'd like to visit : Hokkaido. (Lets aim together, hongy -.-)

10 things about my love life.
1. Have you ever been in love - Who doesnt.
2. Do you believe in love at first sight - Who doesnt.
3. Do you currently have a crush - Who doesnt.
4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally - I don't.
5. Have you ever broken someone's heart - Who doesnt.
6. Have you ever have your heart broken - I don't, again.
7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them - Who doesnt.
8. Are you afraid of commitment - I dont.
9. Who was the last person you hugged - My bear.
10. Who was the last person you said I love you to ? - I think it was hongy. But i added a "As a friend" behind? Is it counted?

10 ThisOrThat
1.Love or Lust - Love.
2. Hard liquor or beer - Wine.
3. Cat or Dog - A kitty.
4. A few best friends or any regular friends - A best friend.
5. Creamy or Crunchy - Creamy, my tooth is shaky right now. I can't bite.
6. Pencil or Pen - Pencil.
7. Wild night out or Romantic night in - Wild night out.
8. Money or Happiness - Happiness. Plus a little of wealth, it's perfect.
9. Night or Day - Night.
10. IM or phone - Both.

10 'Have You Ever's
1. Been caught sneaking out - Yeah.
2. Seen a polar bear - Yeah, online.
3. Done something you regret - Yeah.
4. Bungee jumped - Nah.
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - Yeah.
6. Finished entire jaw breaker - Nah, But is a small gobstopper counted? :D
7. Been caught naked - Nah.
8. Wanted an ex gf/bf back - Yeah.
9. Cried because you lost a pet - Nah.
10. Wanted to disappear - Yeah.

10 preferences in a partner
1. Smile or eyes - Eyes and Smile.
2. Light or dark hair - Light, blond's the best thing.
3. Hugs or Kisses - Hugs and Kisses.
4. Shorter or taller - I don't know. All the tall guys calls me shorty -.-
5. Intelligent or attraction - Attraction and Intelligent.
6. Topman or Zara - Zara and Topman.
7. Funny or serious -Funny to me, Serious at work.
8. Older or Younger - About same as me.
9. Outgoing or Quiet - Outgoing
10. Sweet or Bad - Bad and Sweet.

10 'Have You's
1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yes.
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than 1 hour - Yes.
3. Ever walked on hands - No.
4. Ever been to a rock concert - Yes.
5. Ever been in a cheerleading team - No.
6. Ever been in a dance team - Yes.
7. Ever been in a sports team - Yes, Badminton.
8. Ever been in a drama play - Yes.
9. Ever owned a BMW/Mercedes Benz/Escalade/Hummer/Bentley? - No. I want a Cherry.
10. Ever been in a rap video - No.

10 'Last's
1. Last phone call you made - Shantel
2. Last person you hugged - Brother considered?
3. Last person you hung out with - Not sure.
4. Last time you worked - Not Available.
5. Last person you talked to - Hongy, Uh. Nvm. Aunt.
6. Last person you IM'd - Ken Tan.
7. Last person you texted - JiaJun
8. Last person you went movie with - Cheryl.
9. Last person /thing you missed - Fish And Co.
10. Last website visited - Youtube. :/

Ok bye.

Jiayu Posted this at 12:27 AM
Stress, Moodless, Hatred and Jealousy. The four terrible things of life. :3

Anyway, Thanks Hongy. *Heart Heart* -.- as in friends ok. Think straight guys. Why isn't hongy in amkss? Somehow if he's in my class, I think we'll be best friends or good friends or something. But sadly, Things don't always go your way right. Today it's a bad day although all of you don't realise it. Sigh, And if Miss Wong you stumbled upon this, I'll bring my health booklet on Monday, Okay? Mathes Remedial + Dance. I can't rush back to Seng Kang just to get a booklet right? And come back. There's no way. That'll take around 2 hours. And alfred, you better don't ask me for anymore favours. You one of the person who caused me to be moodless today okay. I help you make facebook account, print things for you. You did'nt even say thank you personally please. I hate you. Gosh. Forget it. Yeah. Ok. seriously, I think guys are better than girls. And i'm not a sexist. Please. (nor a racist fyi) Except for some guys which are "heartless" and you should know (W)ho. At least Jia Jun like we can talk... Uh... Ilina we can "cat fight" or something. Uh... Josef can irritate me. Ken tan can make the whole class tease me or something. But i'm fine with it. Yea. I know i sound emotional today. Seriously. Hongy, why aren't you in our sch?!?! Argh. Somehow i sort of miss Band too. like Benjamin's sacarsm... Shu E's smile or something and the lovely sound of the messy instruments. Oh cool. But i feel stupid. I really feel dumb. And Oh, hongy just told me not to say I feel stupid etc. So yeah. Forget about that. Nevermind. Somehow i think people just make use of me and ignore me. Why? Argh nevermind. Let's stop this stupid thing. Yeah. And If you are reading this, Qing Yi. You still owe me a 100plus ok. -.-

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Jiayu Posted this at 10:00 PM
Woh, if they boys were girls and they're in the changing room. They would probably think i'm MAD. Seriously. I screamed like somehow a mad woman today. I left my PE shirt outside. And i'm like shouting and no one answered. So it's like i'm "stuck" in there for some time. I began screaming, then banging the door. F you shamilah for this. :x Anyway, I was like shouting for names like Lee Lin, Madeleine, Shamilah, Rena. Yes, I love you rena. You answered. And my love goes to Shantel too. Thanks for helping me take my Shirt. Hearts to both. When i went out, It's like. Wth, I'm so embarrassed. Okay, During the swimming yeah. I still can't swim. Wait, I can swim, no i could'nt. Anyway, I swim very slowly. At least i learnt how to keep my head up, froobs. I know i sound so moodless right now. I am still figuring out my homework. Yeah. I don't even know if i got any homework. Some freaking people don't reply. (And you know WHO YOU ARE,) Anyway, after swimming i went back to school for the freak science remedial. WHAT THE. teacher. She sucks more than Potato (You-know-who), Question Mark (Wenn Hao) And Josef. Anyway, after that oh-so-boring remedial (i asked hongy for answer and he also don't know, cause the question is totally not specific enough, yeahhhh!) I went to the BubbleTea Shop. And Nadiah pangseh me. Sobsob. So i was sort of alone, except for Jiajun. *Grins mischieviously* LOL. Today morning i double-tripped him. LOL. yeah anyway we went there i drink Peach Ice-blended then we talk talk talk. And saw stanley (WennHao's friend) yeah, then alot of things happened like pushing Jia Jun's bag down, then oh yeah, stanley pangseh his "girlfriend" then his bag we help him look after. Then he throw his bag on the floor. LOL SO FUNNY. Then he pull it up, then drop again (he knocked onto it) then he step on the bag. After awhile stanley come back then i say "Jia jun step on ur bag sia" then he go sit on jia jun THEN "BOUNCE" ON HIM, and it's like those who know how stanley looks like, yea. You can imagine being slammed by him. LOL. get me? anyway, then jia jun was like shouting to the shop keeper (friendly aunties and uncles) "Dua Bui Eh!!!" LOL. Which means Fat one! LOL. Then i was like laughing like hell. Yeah, then he ate french fries i follow him. Cause very bored... yeah. Then he drink Watermelon Ice-blended. Then i took a photo. AND IT IS PINK. IMAGINE THAT HAHAHA. Yeah. Omg so fun sia. Alot of laughs etc. Then Stanley went back to school with Jia Jun's bag. LOL. Then he have no choice right, then he say to me "eh go back la..." then he took my file. Ok i surrender, So i was like following him back, trying to take my file back. Then go watch boys volleyball, yawn. AND THE BALL ALMOST HIT JIA JUN. LOLLLL. So funny. Then yeah. I went home myself. Tired la. Anyway, there's homework as well as i remember. So bye. tata.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 Cute? Yeah, right.
Jiayu Posted this at 11:48 PM
Woh, sorry for not blogging these few days. -.- Wireless connection sucks. seriously. finally it's solve. gah, cut the crap. interesting happenings! well. uh... uh... uh... uh... uh... Ok. firstly, Our home econs teacher was holding a knife and saying "I wish i could take a knife and CHOP OF ALL OF YOUR HEADS" and its like. so funny. lmao. well... yeah. Nvm. lets continue. KEN TAN YOU BETTER WATCH OUT ON APRIL FOOL'S DAY. seriously guys, Ken Tan -> Ken Tang -> Potato. Tat tat. Know why i call him that? Well, hell yeah, i don't any-o-how give anybody some nicknames. \: Well this is how it happened, yeh. There was this Student Council Day Camp (The Round 2, and i dread round 3, luckily i wasn't selected, whew.) Then my group was group FOUR. (: Let's list down my group members;
1}Me, Here. Over here, YOU are reading MY blog.
2}Neelam, You know you rock man. Oh yeah, Neelam's the girl who's sitting beside WennHao's Gf, Lydia. Ooh. And she calls me "Cute Girl" Now, because of potato again. She love twilight too!
3}Sat, She's nice and have great leadership potential, go on girl! :D
4}Samuel, Did'nt REALLY talk to him, but he seems okay to me. Ok, good luck on the third round!
5}Feng Yu, Another one with leadership potential, And during the ice-breaker games, we were like the ones talking only? -.=
6}Andrew, Ilina's friend. Yeah, keep on saboing me, you watch out too. :D
7}POTATO (KENTAnCKY {kentucky}), A real crackpot, maybe. The first look of him i thought he was in NA or NT. Guess what, he's in the best class. -.- Ok, not really best, he suck in spelling, i think. Well, note to you, I can remember my friend{S!} CCAs too. Hah. :OO Yeah, Ok so we were playing the activities. And from don't-know-what-inspiration-or-something-like-that, He said something so random and "Wth?" - "You very cute leh." I was like "what is wrong with him?" LOL. Then he keep on saying saying saying saying. Argh. Anyway, I still have no tricks for him during APRIL FOOLS. help me guys. T.T Ok so this is it. The lunatic im talking about in my msn is potato. Ok?

Yeah, and that reminds me. Because we need to find people to fill in the statistic project, like asking what's their cca and marking down. So we went to individual classes during recess, then it's class 15, fine. Then i just went in yeah "Excuse me? Like may i know ur CCAs?" Then it's like there's only 6 boys in the class including potato. So he's like "Band, Track, Ncc blablabla." I was like "Ok..?" Then He told me the CCA for the whole class like table to table. I was like O_O. Ok. then i went back to class and tried to memoris. :X Yeah, I can. Except for a few boys which I and Shamilah kept on mixing up their CCAs, oh dumb. Yeah. Anyway, Assembly was cancelled and we have SSRP cause ms wong is absent. Yeah, then i was like... what a chaos in the class. >_> Ok wait, let me continue tomorrow. It's sort of 12.05. and im incredibly tired, reached home at 7.30 - For those who are wondering why i stayed back, I also don't know. Maybe to accompany Ilina and Shamilah during soccer? And learning about sort-of-biology with seniors of Red Cross? (They're teaching Jerwie, Serene and one don't-know-who So i just like sit beside them and listen) Hey did you know right if u cut your left neck at the spot where the pulse is clear, the blood actually shoots up to the ceiling? and that means you have no hope, unless yeah, there's immediate help. :x I know i'm talking crap. But, still? Yeah, cause if you lose 2Litre of Blood, you're dead. Like saying bye bye. yea. And the scientific name for Blue Black is... Hematoma? cool right. sounds like tamagochi sort of things. Okay. Anyway. I was just listening. Yawn. Then so cool, they're gonna do CPR on some sort of fake person. Then serene was like "kissing" the figure's mouth and blow air, then proceed to touch here touch there whatever then pushing the chest etc.. So i was like, oh cool. totally cool. Yeah sort of. Anyway i'm really dozing off. Hongy, remember? "Sweet dreams w** dreams gd nite" LOL.