The other watch aunty gave me. xD

The hoodies i bought ♥
Oh sorry for not posting ytd... I forgot to post... lol...
Cheryl, You seriously don't want the toy? Then i keep. Muahahaha. LOL. :p
Ok. Ytd I was woken up by my Aunty. She brought home some snoopy watches. Haha. Then stuff it under my arm at 7am~ T.T Then i wake up... Then see see, (I'm still blur) then went back to sleep. LOL. Then woke up at 12pm, Saw the watches "Oh...!!!" Then I ate my breakfast-lunch. Then I tried on the watches, Baby ryan kept on smiling or laughing at me. ._. Ok, I took some photos of the watch (Haha) as you know, I love photography. :p Ok, Then watch TV, eat, watch TV, sleep.
Ok. Today... or rather... ytd? Ok nvm. Today, I woke up, went for HabboEmpire meeting, Then set off to bugis! "THE HUNT FOR LITTLE MISS TEES AND HOODIES" lol. Then we found very cheap hoodies there! It's like only 10$, 15$... etc. Then after walking for don't know so long. Until my leg started to ache, I managed to buy this Graffiti Hoodie and this Musical Note Hoodie! The pics are above. ;)) The Graffiti Hoodie is 15$, and the Musical Note one is 25$. Indeed, the 25$ one... The material is better. Haha. These are part of my New year clothes. :// Btw I paid the 25$, Mum paid for the 25$ one. Gonna claim from daddy tmr. LOL. xD The hunt for Little Miss Tees is a failure. I mean those vintage ones. Then I went to eat. Then Nara went to bugis. Walao i leave then she go. LOL. Then when she hunt for me, I'm on my dad's car alr. lol... Ok, then went to temple... Then went home. Tried on my hoodies and it looks great <3.>