Monday, December 29, 2008
Jiayu Posted this at 4:22 PM

waiting for terri...


minitoons sweet. <3

Hey! Today I went to compass point with Terri and her mum. The first few minutes, We went to shop our own while her mum went to photocopy things needed. Then we went to watson... Walked around, chatted... And I bought sweets. Haha. I bought RED APPLE IMPACT! Hey, Is it new? I never see it before..? Then ricola or something. Then we went to Precious Thots for my mum's Belated X'mas Gift while waiting for the time to past. LOL. It's time... and I bought a bookmark for my mum, Then see that Terri Mum is not outside Sakae Sushi yet, so we continue window shopping. Then we went to check again. Terri's Mum was all along INSIDE the restaurant! Hahahaha! Then we ate... Then i kept on drinking the water. LOL. Tried Cucumber Sushi... I don't take cucumber, And guess what I think it taste like - Watermelon. LOL! Ok it's crunchy crunchy but I don't really like the taste. I did'nt really ate much as I ate at home already. Ok... Then after that, we were given 1 hour or 30 minutes to shop. Then we went to Action City, and took a few photos... LOL. OMG I WANT THAT DOMOKUN PLUSHIE. D: I also want the cookie monster deeeeeeee! xD Then we went to Minitoons, we walk around, pick a few of the candies (You know, those with gummy, take le then weigh weigh one?) LOL. Then it's 5 dollar, but i don't have 2.50 (We decided to share it) Then i give 10 dollar, then terri give me 2.50 lor. Then ok we paid, Then saw the BIG Little Miss Chatterbox Plushie, Omg dam' cute! I'm getting one. :D It's estimated 30 Dollars (It's 29+ i think) Then go around see see, Omg the pouches and Handphone strap so cute. D:!!!) Then Terri dragged me to Metro, Then decided not to, Then say go to Cold Storage to buy his Father... Cranberries? For present. O_O Dried ones. Because she say her father like lah. Then OK. We went there, cannot find. :/ Then Only left 8 minutes ma, Then i drag her up to Minitoons, Want to find the Little Miss Handphone Strap. Cannot find, then wasted trip - Go down to meet her mother. Then when we reached there, Her mother haven't reach, so i went to 7-11 to see see look look la. LOL. Then went i came out, Terri was standing infrount of me "My mum come alr" then pull me there. LOL... Then OK... We went back. Then go her house awhile. Play games. lol... Her dog kept licking me. ._. Ok, then I went home, then see people take Fries, so I went to buy large fries. Lmao. Then went home lor. So tired now. :/ Ok I go bathe one more time. Bye. :D