Friday, January 2, 2009
Jiayu Posted this at 10:42 PM

Paper bags and Felt-wool Heart..?

Waiting for the Paint to dry. :P


And... That's the cupcake badge.

featuring my 'model', Gigi! (Short-form for Gingerbread?) lol. No, I did not abuse him - it. Uh. Ok. Sort of. I cut off the ribbon. -.- only! I swear! Ok. I did draw the buttons as well. ._.
Today is start of school. Slept at 12. Woke up at 5. Lmao. Took a few random shots... Yeah. Sort of. Then just... Nvm. Yeh. Bought Teenage mag. Z i want to sign up for that monthly one, no money. -.- Well. Hell yeah. So bored. Why can't i just go out. zzz. So bored. yeh. Made some... Button Badges. OMG CAN YOU ALL PLEASE TELL THE HELL OUT OF ME WHERE TO GET PERSONALISED OR WHATEVER BUTTON BADGE?! IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT'S THAT. PLEASE. PLEASE. FLICKR IT. THEY HAVE DARN LOTS OF PICS PPL UPLOAD. Ok sorry. I'm getting some from paperchase if they have it in SG and yeah. Or i'll get some from Paper People. it's a fab-buy featured on the mag. :B Ok. Posting the pics and... I'll go and pack my room. 9 Times Out Of 10 Times When I say This, It don't really happen though.