World Peace, Top of theee' World!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Help me advertiseeee tiseee tisee~
Jiayu Posted this at 4:43 PM
Hehe... Self advertising. The website for my Webzine is out! WWW.TEENWORLDMAGAZINE.BLOGSPOT.COM Please help advertise! ): Tyyyyy! HELP PLEASEEEE, JIAYUbhfff
Brrrrrr. T-T
Jiayu Posted this at 1:35 PM
Today mathes paper, it went like Crap! Last question i did'nt do, 5 marks. And it was super easy, I SWEAR I KNOW HOW TO DO. The 2nd last question, last part, I KNOW HOW TO DO TOO! BUT CRAPPPISH TIME, Give me 15 more minutes i sure can finish lah. If i never get A1 I swear it's not that i did'nt study (Although i did'nt really), it's because of the freaking time!Duh. After school, went "hiking" at Ang Mo Kio Park. :B With Dinie, Shamilah, Ilina, Neelam, Nadiah, Lisa, Sharifah Then we decided to head home. Since dinie and my bus stop is at AMK Hub, we walk there together lah. Both have umbrella. BUT THE !!! ILINA AND SHAMILAH DUN HAVE, So i end up lending mine to them. Then the rain ultra big. Our Umbrella ultra small. In the end, MY WHOLE SKIRT AND RIGHT SLEEVE WAS SOAKED. And please, i'm not exaggerating. It's really soaked. You can see the water dripping. Gosh. My Umbrella. :/ Then, after i reach AMK Hub, my bus just left, wth. :/ Then i need to wait in the Air-con, which is like im shaking. -_-; Then, On the bus, I was also shaking, and the whole me was wet lah. So cold :/ And when i boarded OFF, i realised, It's a long way home and there's no shelter. -oh crap- Asshole me to lend my umbrella. :/ Then i was wet when i reach home, no choice, used my tiny file, and my mathes paper was soaked too. :/ Dam fedup pls. Then my grandma asked "Why you so stupid, ownself no umbrella go lend others?!" :/ Oh and Ha-ha, my bag is wet, not just wet, drenched. -.- Cuz ur hot and ur cold D: >JIAYUbhfff<
Sunday, May 17, 2009
TATA{mpines ONE!}
Jiayu Posted this at 10:28 PM
Just returned from Tampines 1. Hehehe, I know it's late. Bleh. -.-Well... Went there for dinner. The Chicken Soup +++++++++++++ nice! :D Yupps. UNI QLO too much people, so we just go there see see. The slipper ultra nice sia! Im so wanting these things... (1) UNI QLO slippers - $29.90 (2) UNI QLO bomberman tee! - super expensive, $29.90 (3) UNI QLO pacman tee! - same loh, $29.90 (4) That LED watch, hee hee 8B (5) Lady Gaga's CD - The Fame. :D (6) Britney Spear's CD - Circus. :D (7) Katy Perry's CD - One of the boys. :D (8) Superman Pencil case from URBAN Writing (9) Transparent Pencil case from URBAN Writing - $8++ (10) $50 spent on URBAN Writing (LOL.) I found out that... THE AMAZING RACE rocks. :D AMERICAN IDOL ROCKS TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! guess what? KRIS GOT IN THE FINALS!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG YAY im so happie!!!!!!!!!!!!1 ^_^ Oh yeah, I also found out that Each A Cup rocks. :) And there's one in AMK HUBBBB! ok, near amk hub. the cheers/7-11 The stupid and stupider and clumsier me, heh, Bought Jolly Shandy without even knowing there's an alcohol level in it. And i bought 2 can, thanks to mum. Yeah, until i read "Imported from CARLSBERG singapore blah blah blah" And i read on. "Lucky, it's 5% alcohol, blah" Yeps. And i went to URBAN Writing, and i did'nt know it was part of popular. :O And i saw a pencil box with a tag "POP URBAN" And i went, "did they help popular sell things? O_O" Then after that, my mum announced "Oh, URBAN Writing is part of popular" then i went "ooooooooohh!" LOL. ok, craps. Then i walked around. It's rainbow-ish. They have the full collection of almost every pen... ALL. OKAY? FULL COLLECTION. like what the --. I like the Signo pens, because they arranged it in a rainbow way. and it's like transformation of colours. Then i went jaw-dropped. like "D:" Then i walked again. I SAW A FULL SHELF OF PENCIL CASES AND WALLETS. OH MY bhfff! @.@!!! I had my eyes on the SuperWoman one. heeheeeheeeeeeeeeeee >:) Ok nevermind. I should be reading my trapezium notes now. I don't see any difference in Mathes Paper 1 and Paper 2. Duh. Ok, bye. Nth much alr, blah blah blah. -.- And next time imma go and eat at the Japanese food place. There's hokkaido, tokyo, osaka etc food sia, OH-MY-BHFFF RIGHT?!?!?! But it's like so many people. So in the end we ate chinese food. -.- Nevermind. the chickin soup is nice too. OKAY IM SUPPOSE TO BE STUDYING MATHES NOW. so, tata, JIAYUbhfff
Jiayu Posted this at 2:30 PM
![]() Heehee, sorry the pic is abit blur because i enlarged it. Heehee. It'll be called Teen World! And My mum will be sponsoring me a Video Cam, :/ Anyway. Dinie and Shamilah, GOODLUCK FOR YOUR WEBSHOW. ;D I think i'll be using Blogger for my Webzine. Heehee. It's more user friendly hah. I LOVE Ks! KRIS ALLEN, KATY PERRY, KIM HYUN JOONG! hee hee. Anyway, comments on the coverpage please! Thanks! ;D BOYS OVER FLOWERS ROCKS. which is also the KOREAN F4s! ;) Well, at least Kim Hyun Joong rocks. And the girl have character. woo! :p I liked the way she kick the guy's face. heehee. Anyway bye! I go plan where to go later le. MYTEENWORLD, JIAYUbhfff.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Webzine. :D
Jiayu Posted this at 5:31 PM
Okay, here's what.1) Im gonna name my magazine... eyyy... forget it. Suggestions please. T-T 2) There will be a page for stars being featured in the magazine :B (clue clue, kris allen!) LOL. Yep. And a page about fashion! :x Photos will p.s : Sorry there'll be no Horoscope blah, Because we can't be taking the whole content out of a particular web or something, and there are no experts for us to give a definate one. -.- But other than that, yeah. :D 3) The webhost... Shall be either Blogger or Wordpress? I'll try Livejournal too. :D (Suggestions!) 4) the best thing is... WE ARE HIRING CREWS! ;D Off to work! JIAYUbhfff
Jiayu Posted this at 5:20 PM
OMG, after hearing kris sing the acoustic version of HEARTLESS (yes! the one by kanye west) Even the judges HE ROCKS, PLEASE. HE LOOKS GOOD TOO OMG == And dad help me fix my Lappie's Anti-Audio Problem! :p Anyway, sorry sorry sorry Shamilah and Dinie, I can't be your camera girl anymore. D: 1) Behind the scenes? I thought and thought (again), it's a no-no for me. Sorry! T-T 2) June Holidays - A time for me to get SHOPPING! :p 3) I want to start my own Webzine, which is E-Magazine. Sorry! 4) After suggestions from friends, I'm gonna make my own Webshow if the webzine is a great success! :) 5) I love kris allen. :D <-- crap. D: floating off to krisallen'sworld, JIAYUbhfff
Friday, May 15, 2009
Jiayu Posted this at 7:30 PM
S.L.F :-> Cola is green if there's no food colouring added to it. -> Uh, what is known as a french kiss in english countries, is known as english kiss in french. :D LOL. -> In china, "White Tea" is actually boiled plain water. xD -> Ok wait, next time continue. Oh, I looked at a wrong site for the UNI QLO. It is proven, by me! That there are COOOOOL tees in UNI QLO! (: Oh and imma be the cameragirl (And sometimes be in it) for SHAMILAH'S AND DINIE'S WEBSHOW! (: Support support please. :P Ah, I love iCarly. I KNOW - You may think cartoon channels sucks and are for kids. But iCarly rocks, please. I love her shirt, whatever. Ok stop crapping, anyway, the web isssssss! looks like im advertising huh? nevermindddddd. let's get back to my game. Bye guyz :D and gals. sowhat,iLOVElamefacts(: JIAYUbhfff
Love& Peace
Jiayu Posted this at 7:14 PM
One more paper to end of MYE! Yay!This oughts for a celebration. hoohoo. :P Gah anyway. As you can see, I'm getting like so -- Urhhh. random. Yes. I'm bored, guys I think im gonna start: <1> Plurk-ing <2> Twitter-ing <3> Uhh... Livejournal-ing? LOL. <4> Gotta think about that. And anyway. Some sports i like. :) <1> Tennis, i don't know? But i -guess- i like it. Hehe. <2> Table tennis? LOVE IT. Hi-five over here wanlin. {3 <3> Uh... Baseball (: Hehe. I can hit every balls during that time we played a miniature one in the sch (field) d: <4> Let me think. <5> I really don't know alr. I'm getting lamer. Anyway... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..--! Lets think where to go tomorrow. (: <1> Bugis? <2> Daiso? - Dedrick, no. Homer, stop calling me that. I tell you. :D <3> Far east? <4> Queensway? Gah, impossible. But can go there to do the Class-tee checks. >:D <5> THE MOVIES! but my mum will get the tix next week. boo hoo. <6> Eyyyyyyyy {{{3 <7> Tampines ONE. {WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!} Oh yeah Tampines 1 reminds me of something. There's this uber fantastic shop "UNI QLO" Tee-shirts lover, CHECK IT OUT. ;D But if there's alot of people, you MAY need to queue up to get into the shop. hehe. :P - I think. Because from the web, they dont show tees, but at the place itself, the posters, from outside, there's alot of tees. heehees. still, it's worth it to check out tampines 1. :b And Tampines 1 is a good place to shop hehe. I LOVE IT! mwahahahahaha :D Love and Pieces;' (PEACEs) >;D JIAYUbhfff
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Jiayu Posted this at 2:19 PM
ah. today's geog paper. Quite cool. And I bought a book from artbox. :bTomorrow's mathes paper. Die. :D I suck in mathes. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Anyway Literature i wrote alot. But History i scard lah. Even though i said i don't care. heehee. Ilina showed me something. lol. Tomorrow imma get even with her :B Anyway. Im so bored right now. And yet like leelin, i don't feel like studying. D: Oh yeah, yesterday i got new clothes! My aunt buy alot of clothes, never wear ones lah, then gimme. :P Got a striped black and red knee-length dress, and 2 belts, 2 scarf (omg i love the white and black squares one!) and there's a converse tee... aiya, alot lah. She brought 2 bags of clothes sia. Then some my mum some mine, some give other ppl (because we dun like :X) Then last dunno saturday or sunday, went daiso! :D then bought this bag, 4 pencil cases (1's my mum's D:) then a notebook ^^, a file etc. I got a feeling dedrick's gonna call me daiso girl again. And imma call him homer! :D Quite boring nowadays. Im getting this billabong wallet as promised by my mum<3 then imma buy a handphone strap tmr. :D anyway bye lah. I lazy type. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. JIAYUbhfff.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Jiayu Posted this at 8:00 PM
I know im on a break, but it doesn't hurts if i post right. :x I promise i'll study. Ooohoooh, the Mother Tongue Paper today ok lah, but I mistaken the street name as the person's name, so my format -2 marks. D: then content also, because i all write "Lian" road. LOL. So it goes likeDear "Lian" road, Bla bla bla, Lian road, do you know that bla bla bla. From, "Another word" road. LOL. omg i'm gonna die! LOL. Our teacher's gonna make me write 100 times of each. OH GOSH. LOL. Anyway, after that i went to buy sweet, then buy ez-link card sticker, oh yeah, we got our card le. ._. and the picture is the P6 Picture, WHAT-THE-ASS. I also went to ARTBOX to get a file. :3 Yeh. One item crossed out from ma wishlist Ok, good luck for my english paper tomorrow! WOOOOO! (:
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
break :D
Jiayu Posted this at 9:35 PM
Yo people~I'll be on a break -for mid year exam D:- okay?! wish me gd luck! Don't miss me too much! LOL. ok just kidding. xD BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ): JIAYUbhfff
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Jiayu Posted this at 12:22 AM
Cheryl, im helping u do a free ad! xDEVERYONE, VISIT THIS BLOG! owned by my friend cheryl (low), find her link at the links. Her pen-name is Hikari, do support her! (: It's a story well, about how the life of a girl called Hayden, whom life changed when a new boy called Jake came into the story, enjoy the plot and twists that you will experience in the story, Hope you like it!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Jiayu Posted this at 10:07 PM
lets -first- talk about the things i alr have.1}friends;exceptforafew,2}thiswhitewatch;thanksgrandma^^,3}mynewwritingpad;idon'tneedtoborrowfromjustinanymore!,4}Staedler&Stabilopensets;tyty,5}mydickiesbag;yeahstars,6}myhaversack;yayyblack,7}myteenagemagazines;andtheposters,8}myteensmagazines;andtheposterstoo,9}mywardrobe(:10}MYCOMPUTERRRRR{3 and my wishlist :D ofcourse. {1 18" Goodluck Carebear - $49 {2 8" Share Carebear - $12.90 {3 Cow coinbank from Shibuya - $8.90 {4 Cute pie ring from Haru - $10 {5 Purple lightning bolt ring from FuncDeko - $35.90 {6 Ping Pong Necklace from FuncDeko - $25.90 {7 Star Necklace from FROST - $39.90 {8 Pink Guitar Necklace from ZTAMP - $19.90 {9 Piano Keys Cuff from FuncDeko - $19.90 {10 Wooden Bangles from FROST - $20.90 {11 Multi-star bangle from FuncDeko - $15.90 {12 Round face white watch from ICH - $55 {13 Boots from Sole Passion - $49.90 {14 Puma Sneakers - $119 {15 Nike Sneakers - Price unavailable {16 Puma Ballet pumps - $119 {17 Mondo metallic red sandles - $29.90 {18 2 Different STADIUM ballet pumps - $59.90 Each {19 Mimosa coloured crabs ballet pumps - $26.90 {20 Polly Penguin Purse from Accessorize - $10.90 {21 Cute canvas shoes from Left & Right - $48 {22 Russian Stacking dolls from Accessorize - $13.90 {23 Blind sheet shades from Elitrend - $12.90 {24 Psychedelic Yak Pak bag - $59.90 {25 Myuk pencil case - $8.90 {26 Cassette pouch - $19.90 {27 Japanese rootote bag from A "N" BC - $19.25 {28 Vans canvas shoes - $39 {29 Zinc white bag from - $49.90 {30 Yak Pak Big-P bag - $75 {available at Spin The Bottle} {31 EASTPAK backpack - $89 {32 Red Semi-circle bag from BagAge - $49.90 {33 Robot-prints pink tote bag from Kitz Collection - $18 {34 Green Navy tote bag from Kitz Collection - $20 {35 Money prints tote bag from fie Japan - $48 {36 Silver radio-shaped bag from CATZ Apparel - $42.90 {37 Caps - Recommendations please! {38 Orange-Brown Belt from WWD Boutique - $39.90 {39 Brown Vest from WWD Boutique - $49.50 {40 "Sailing" Watch from Swatch - $79 movies; iwanna... }X-MEN ORIGINS, WOLVERINE }252 SIGNAL OF LIFE }17 AGAIN comingsoooooon; }RAMEN GIRL }NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM 2 }GHOST OF GIRLFRIEND'S PAST that's all, guys {and galz} off to relax, JIAYU |