World Peace, Top of theee' World!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Jiayu Posted this at 2:30 AM
I'm not posting k. LOL. Erm, MR in HSA now. :D Quitted Farm Town. Yey. :D Erm. EMIKA is officially my mei k <3 :D im so bored nowadays. i go sleep le nites.
Monday, June 22, 2009
88? 89? No? 98? OH, 100!
Jiayu Posted this at 3:07 AM
YES YES YES! You're right! It's my HUNDRETH post! Zhu wo de blog CHANG CHANG JIU JIU! :P Yuppssss! Omgggg omg omg I'm so happy! LOLs. Normally my blog always like stop halfway then i change link. FIRST TIME HUNDRETH POST. Mwahahahaha! :P Omg i can't go for tmr's Dance Sentosa trip :(1) No transport 2) Need to take care of brother. LOLs. Ok la, actually ryan quite cute. So jealous lor, he got english name i don't have. :( If i have right, It'll be cookie! ^^ Yups. Omg i love my cookie monster. xD Errrr-- Because of the HUNDRETH Post, I'm gonna: *Drums roll* *CLANG!* :x CHANGE MY BLOGSKIN! Yupps! Hahas. Err, I somehow got influenced by all those kawaii (cute!) Japanese Kao-anis, Pixel art, San-X Characters. LOLs. Yea, So i'm going on a Kawaii Rave now. LOL. Don't laugh ok. =.- That's me. ECCENTRIC. 101% unexpected. :B ~Yeah yeah whatever!~ LOL. Seems like i still have abit of the lame me here. :x Okayy. So yup, Like what i say, My blogskin's (NEW ONE!) gonna be KAWAII! >:D LOL. *limelight limelight* >:D I'm gonna make pixel arts. Ok lah, Affected by Habbo Art. (Thanks Ilk, You inspired me. LOL!) Yup. Actually before this i got make pixel art before. Tomorrow then post. LOL. xD Those noob noob small small one lah. Also, tomorrow i'll post some Habbo Arts too. (By me!) You all probably can't see the diff because all of you never play Habbo! (Except for some, LOL.) Errrrr. Sorry Huiting, Nara and Jolene, I can't go to the movies! I miss you guys though. ^^ Err. I'm addicted to Habbo lah. Ok, I'm off to sleep le lah. So tired. LOLs. Tata! Cookie
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Outdated picture LOLs.
Jiayu Posted this at 12:11 AM
Monday, June 15, 2009
Jiayu Posted this at 11:23 PM
Went to Vivo City Today! ^_^ Yups. Because daddy going indonesia for some business talk. LOLs. Then, We go Toy 'r' us, At first went there for Ryan's toy and Care bear, Then in the end, No care bear (Ok I can't find LOLs), So i got this 16" COOKIE MONSTER OMGGGG! LOLS. >.<> LOLs. Because i never bring my EZ Link, So i get the Ticket thing. LOLs. >.<>.<>.<> I keep playing with my Tablet lols. So cool! ^_^MISS COOKIE. ^^
Miss Cookie!
Jiayu Posted this at 1:42 AM
Today went to Compass Point, then walked around. Went to Popular, looked around. Omg, So many things i want lols. I want the POP Urban Notebook T.T Yups. Then the POP Urban Pencil Case T.T and so many many files! LOLs. Yup. Then went to kiddy palace to look for Ryan's toys. Then i saw a FULL SHELF OF...CARE BEARSSSSSS Lols, Am i over-reacting? I forgot to tell you guys I'm crazy over carebears, other than Little miss chatterbox and Cookie Monsterrrrr!<3>.<>.<> Then went to Plaza Singapura, Then went to DAISO, bought this super cute Penguin Handphone holder ^_^ Then, Went to teppanyaki to eat. Yup, Then mum bought a pink bedsheet for me. LOLS. Then we go see fishies, I saw a group of Terrapins, If i buy one, im gonna name it Teppan! Short for Teppanyaki! LOLS. Then mum bought me a tablet! omg $189 sia! TYYYYY! I LOVE YOU LOLS. Omg, I can draw le ^_^ Yups. Then we go eat swensens ice-cream. Their mac and cheese nice sia. My ice-cream is yam and sticky chewy chocolate. lols. Then after that we go home. ^_^ Pass by the cathay, Singapore idols audition ad. still there LOLS. took a photo, but not clear. SORRYYY! lols. K la, 2.51am le. gotta sleep! BYES! JIAYU! sweets and candies.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Jiayu Posted this at 2:06 AM
Today woke up at 12pm >.<>.< Serene, Shantel, Shamilah, Meiqi And Miss Wong all there. x) Then i buy the Moo Combo! Then got a pink cow pencil case -.- Wanted the other colour, Oh, Forget it. LOL. Night at the museum rocks lor. T.T I can intepret most of the story. So the one who sits beside me, hoho, i'm ur sort-of-spoiler. :X Then after the movie, Miss wong went bugis D: *jealous jealous* LOL. Then we went long john silver eat. $7.10 gone. Woo. LOL. Bought 3 pens from popular. One ink pen, One LAKNOK pen (LOVE) and my oh-so-friendly POST-IT-FLAG PENNNN! woooooooooooooooo LOL. Yupps. New stationary for sch reopeningz. ^_^Oh yeah, Yesterday went to escape theme park. Then i pay only 5.90$ becoz my b'dae not over, then nasyitah's mum got ntuc card lul. Then we played from 10+ til 4+ LOL. I went to play bumper boat, then there's this green shirt boy keep aiming me ): saddened. LOL. then whole tee and pants SOAKED. x_x Saddened again. LOL. Then went to play wet and wild. (PLEASE NOTE: NOT WILD WILD WET, ITZ WET AND WILD plox...) K. the one that last time someone fell off =.= And i got wet again! tata. Then i sat on the brown bench, it's like there's water prints. ._. VERY obvious ones. And ken tan, I can sit ok. Lucky flipper not open, if not i cannot sit :D Then i sit everything except haunted house and viking PLOX. rainbow, flipper and inverter close. stupid. So we got free complimentary tix. Can go in free next time D: FREE TIX WOO. LOL. Then, I wasted like 10$ in the freaking scamming carnival games. zzz. :/ Oh yeah, reminds me, i did'nt sit the daytona go-kart == Because i too short. Then go chalet, meet teacher, wait for father, then go. k bye. i nid to sleep plox, it's 2.30am LOL. byeeeeeeeeeeeee JIAYUbhfff
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Jiayu Posted this at 2:07 PM
I miss cheryl, terri, oh-so-many of you. ^^ Tomorrow is our P6 gathering!<3 Yupps. It'll be at escape, woohoo! Yeaaaaa! Omg Omg Omg so excited. But 8.30 leh... How am i suppose to wake up. :< JIAYOUUS! xP Ermmm. Yups. Today don't need to go sch <3 so gonna pack my room. ^^ I think i'm gonna deco. my room lerhs. It looks so stupid xD ok la, no lah. ummm... Green+Purple? Green+Orange? or Pink? Or blue? Or... Everything! Like... alot of bright colours come together LOLS. Urhh... any game intro? I can't play restaurant city :( Got error! Say what flash or what. T-T yupps. Then I playing Habbo. =) Uhmm... kupika? it's like a... penpal thing =) yups! so any suggestion? p.s FARMTOWN ROCKS! xDyuups. that's it lerhs. bb! JIAYUbhfff hart hart. :D Labels: \
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Jiayu Posted this at 11:38 PM
Hais! Won't be posting much since its the june hols! Enjoying myself... LOLs no lah. Need to go sch alot. xD Yupps. And dance club will be performing on the Awards nite, yups. Won't leak out the theme psst psst! Guess yourself heehee. :D And today i bought a green hp strap :> long de, those around neck ones. Haha. :)Okies, nth much lerhs! Byebyes! JIAYU^^bhfff |